We are so pleased that you decided to visit our new website! We have worked with so many great individuals and organizations over the past couple years, we feel it's important to have a site that reflects our amazing clientele and the advances we've made in e-marketing.
With WheredaSAINTSat.com (WDSA), you have the ability to optimize communication with your audience, customers or members by utilizing high-impact and professional customized emails. E-marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your message out.
Along with the launch of our new site, we added a component to our sign-up process that we believe will greatly benefit our members and clients! In addition to acquiring members' email addresses, we now require them to submit their zip code. With this new info, we have the ability to segment our list to send messages directly to a specific geographic region if desired! This is a huge step for us in the e-marketing arena!
With over 50,000 members currently in our database, you are sure to reach your target market. WDSA is your direct path to reach the faith-based community!